2012年4月7日 星期六

install win98Se on virtualbox 4.1.12

[1] hw settings: enableVT,nestPaging, system PIIx3, IDE PIIx4,
SCSI busLogic no check use host iocache, audio SB16,
[2] setup /pj --> force use ACPI ,
[2.1] add two vdi, first one for boot , second for System.
[3] Display driver --> use Sci tech display doctor

[4] unicows.exe + kernelex 4.52 + instmia.exe + jre1.5.022 + jre1.6.031=freecol 0.10.5 playable
[5] dosbox0.74 work fine in guest, zsnes1.5w work fine

[6] shrink vdi:
[6.1] use Sdelete.exe -z ; to clean free sector,
[6.2] use Vboxmanage modifyhd --compact d:ooxx.vdi

[7] In 98VM settings, enable absolute pointing device,
[7.1] In host command line : Vboxmanage setextradata VMname "VboxInternal/USB/HidMouse/0/Config/CoordShift" 0
[7.2] reboot 98 will need install Tablet input device,
[7.3] You have mouse pointing seamless switch between host & 98

[8] file share with network neighbor
[8.1] In 98VM settings select Network attach to "host-only-adaptor"
[8.2] In 98 NetHood , check file& printer share,
[8.3] in 98 command>ipconfg --> get your 98_IP
[8.4] in 98 explorer create one folder name "share" , right-click share it
[8.5] in host , run> \\98_IP\
[8.6] you can see the shareFolder from host

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