2016年1月24日 星期日

enable user environment debug logging

enable user environment debug logging 

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Entry: UserEnvDebugLevel

NONE 0x00000000
NORMAL 0x00000001
VERBOSE 0x00000002
LOGFILE 0x00010000
DEBUGGER 0x00020000
The default value is NORMAL|LOGFILE (0x00010001).

Note To disable logging, select NONE (0x00000000).

You can combine these values. For example, you can combine VERBOSE 0x00000002 and LOGFILE 0x00010000 to get 0x00010002. Therefore, if UserEnvDebugLevel is given a value of 0x00010002, LOGFILE and VERBOSE are both turned on. Combining these values is the same as using an OR statement.
0x00010000 OR 0x00000002 = 0x00010002
Note If you set UserEnvDebugLevel to 0x00030002, the most verbose details are logged in the Userenv.log file.

%Systemroot%\Debug\UserMode\Userenv.log file. If the Userenv.log file is larger than 300 KB, the file is renamed Userenv.bak, and a new Userenv.log file is created.

you can set the read-only attribute on the Userenv.bak file, and the Userenv.log file will grow indefinitely.

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2016年1月21日 星期四

啟用 Wiadebug.log 檔案的記錄

啟用 Wiadebug.log 檔案的記錄

WIA 服務中,適當的二進位模組會是 Wiaservc.dll。

  • 0x00000001: 顯示錯誤
  • 0x00000002: 顯示警告 
  • 0x00000004: 顯示追蹤

 net stop stisvc
 net start stisvc

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2016年1月17日 星期日

firefox change cache directory folder position

firefox change cache directory folder position

1. old version  ,   about:config     
--->  add --> browser.cache.disk.parent_directory 
--->  value point to your new folder location  ---example--> "R:\\Firefox_cache\\"  

2. new version  edit prefs.js
---> add new entry
user_pref("browser.cache.disk.parent_directory", "R:\\Firefox_cache\\");

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windows xp , stop wbem logging, and change WMI repository to ramdisk

windows xp , stop wbem logging, and change WMI repository to ramdisk

Key: Repository Directory
value: R:\xxx\Repository
where R: drive is your ramdisk drive, and xxx is your existing folder in ramdrive.

Key: Logging
value:  1  --> 0

您也可以為 WMI 設定錯誤記錄檔:
  • 所有的記錄檔的目的資料夾是設定此登錄子機碼:
  • 最大檔案大小是設定下列登錄子機碼:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM\Log File Max Size
下列登錄子機碼會決定如何 Windows 驅動程式模型 (WDM) 提供者將會記錄錯誤:

0: 關閉記錄
1:   錯誤記錄
2: 詳細資訊記錄

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windows XP assign Recent folder to ramdisk, or other drive

windows XP  assign Recent folder to ramdisk, or other drive

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
key: Recent
string: R:\Recent

purpose: decrease ssd, or system drive read/write activity

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